Monday, May 30, 2016

05/30/16 to 06/03/16 Robot Project Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
Word of the Day: Dirty, Dull, and Dangerous

(Project is worth 50% of the marking period grade)
Project Due: Friday June 03, 2016 

Question of the Day:  
  1. What will we do if Robots do everything? Write your Introduction.
  2. Can Robots improve your life?  List 3 positives.
    1. They will do the dirty, dull and dangerous jobs.
    2. They will help us make a safer world.
    3. They will give us more time to do what we want.
  3. Will Robots replace humans? List 3 negatives.
    1. They will take our jobs.
    2. They will take away our privacy.
    3. We will become dependent on them.
  4. How will robots effect our future?  Write your conclusion.
Include your resources. 
  1. Complete the Comic Life Tutorial.  
  2. Download and Start your Project.
  3. Make a list of 3 negative of Robots.  Cite your sources.
  4. Include images and also post to your Blog.
  5. Upload Project to your Blog
    1. Export your Comic Life
      1. File / Export / Export to Images
      2. Format PNG / Resolution 72dpi
    2. Sign into Kidblog / New Post
      1. Upload / My Computer (Drag or Choose Image files 1 at a time)
      2. Insert each Image (make sure the order is correct)
      3. Title and publish your post 
  • Name:  

    Robot Rubric
    Possible Points
    Earned Points
    Included 4 Images, Your Image, and an Internet Image

    Included Balloons, Captions, and Lettering

    Modify Images

    Images enhance the project

    Develop a clear topic or central idea

    Support ideas with details, explanations, and examples

    Put your ideas in the order that best communicates what you are trying to say
    Clearly describes 3 positive effect and benefits on society

    Clearly describes 3 negative effect and fears on society

    Clearly identifies a possible solution

    Includes research and sites from least 2 sources




Daily Objectives:  Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.

Monday, May 16, 2016

CIT 1: 05/25/16 - 15/27/16 What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future? - Part 2 of 'Do Machines Represent to the Humans?' Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.  
Word of the Day: therapeutic robot

  • Post a response to the Question of the Day in your own words. 
  • Use complete sentences,proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.   
  • Copy and paste the link to the specific Question of the Day?  
  • Include an Inline Link to Websites.

Watch: Robot and Frank

Read: "What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?"
Disruptions: Helper Robots Are Steered, Tentatively, to Care for the Aging,”

Write 3 paragraphs(200 Words or More) and include an image

Question of the Day: Do you imagine a future where robots are ubiquitous, the way TVs and computers are now? Will robots work in our factories, fight in our warsteach our children and care for our elderly? Or is that just science fiction? 

What role will robots play in the future?
  • What role will robots play in our future? Will robots be in every home, the way we now have TVs and computers? Will they work in our factories, fight in our warsteach our children and care for our elderly?
  • Do you interact with any robots in your life already?
  • Do you think robots will bring more benefits or downsides? Why?
  • Will robots of the future have human qualities, like a sense of touchthe ability to learn, feelings and emotions?
  • Are there certain tasks or roles that we should not let robots do — that would be unethical or irresponsible on our part?
  • Do you think robots should be designed to care for the elderly, as described in the article?
  • Include the Biblography:
GONCHAR, MICHAEL. "What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future?." Student Opinion | What Role Will Robots Play in Our Future? - n.p., n.d. Web. 12 March 2014.…
Use citelighter to include your sources.

More Resources:

Robotics Online 

Setting the Safety Standard for Cage-Free Robots

The Effect of Presence on Human-Robot ... - Wilma Bainbridge

Robots to Create More Than a Million Jobs by 2016

The influence of robots on the human society - RUDAR

Effects And Impact Of Military Robots

Will robots ever be just like people?  

Robot's Effect on Society

A Study of HumanRobot Interaction in a Collaborative Task

Impacts of human robots for the current and future generations
effects and impact Of human service robots

Robots Are Not Killing Jobs, Says a Roboticist

Daily Objectives:  
  • Using the World Wide Web and a blog, students will describe similarities and differences, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.
  • Given a variety of multimedia texts and videos, students will analyze online issues and tecnological effects, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 80% on writing rubric.
  • Students will watch videos and complete an assessment with 80% or better.

CIT 1: 05/23/16 - 05/24/16 Do Machines Represent a Threat to Humans? Now: Search for the definition for the Word of the Day and capture it in citelighter, then paraphrase it in your own words.

Word of the Day: Machines

  • Post a response to the Question of the Day in your own words. 
  • Use complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling and punctuation.   
  • Copy and paste the link to the specific Question of the Day?  
  • Include an Inline Link to Websites.

Watch the What are Robots? 

Read: Do Machines Represent a Threat to Humans?

“The Machines Are Coming”

Question of the Day: After reading the entire article, write a paragraph on your blog in which you answer the question. 
  • Do machines represent a threat to humans? Or does the only real threat come from how humans decide to use machines? Why?  
Support your position with evidence from the text and videos.

Robots Take Jobs 
Robots vs. Humans 

Daily Objectives:  Students will read, discuss and analyze information from articles, analyze, and think critically about online context, using written (Blog post), graphic, pictorial, or multi-media methods, with a student performance at the basic level or above and 6 out of 12 on the project rubric.

Monday, May 2, 2016

CIT 1 Introduction to Coding & Post Assessment



How does technology affect your life? 

  1. Select the 3 devices that have affected your life the most.  
  2. Create a document of you with your favorite technologies.
  3. Describe how these technologies affect your life.
  • Describe the device.   
  • How do you use the device?  
  • How does the device affects your life and the life of others?  
  • Why you like and or dislike this device?  
  • How might your life be different without this device?  
  • Include an image of this device.  
    1. Include an image of each technology, preferably an image of yourself interacting with the technology. (Use photo-booth, a digital camera or your camera phone.) 
    2. Include at least 4 images: (Use Edit Mask and Instant Alpha
      • An image of yourself 
      • An images from the Internet 
      • Combine two images to make one
      • Add a border to at least one image 
        Include the name of the technology and a brief description of how and why you like it. 
        Include the following: 
    • Shapes for dialog 
    • Captions for narration 
    • Text for titles and sound effects 
    • Change the styles of all your text   
    Add Transitions and Animations.

    Record the Timing.
    Export your project as a Quicktime movie.
    Import into Garage Band and make a podcast.

    Your work will be scored using the following rubric: 101 Points Total
    1. Introduction / Conclusion (5 Points)
    2. Internet Image & Avatar (5 Points)
    3. Change/combine image styles (5 points)
    4. Animations/Transitions (5 points)
    5. Lettering/ Captions (5 points)
    6. Described how these technologies affect your life (36 points Total)
      • Describe the devise. (6 points for all or 2 points a piece)
      • How do you use the device?  (6 points for all or 2 points a piece)
      • How does the device affects your life and the life of others?  (6 points for all or 2 points a piece)
      • Why you like and or dislike this device? (6 points for all or 2 points a piece)
      • How might your life be different without this device? (6 points for all or 2 points a piece)
      • Include an image of this device. (6 points for all or 2 points a piece)
    7. Record the Timing (10 Points)
    8. Export to Quicktime (10 Points)
    9. Add music in GarageBand (10 Points)
    10. Resources Include 2 or more links (10 Points)
    Use the following template for this project: Template for my Project
    For the Coding section, please, follow your Teacher's instructions going to CodeHS Programming